Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Friend Named Clarity

     For some time I have allowed the cares of this world to truly bog me down. I was busy doing “stuff” but not necessarily what the Lord wanted me to do. I am a homemaker and all homemakers do is sit at home and eat Bon-Bons while watching our soaps right? WRONG! I manage the goings on in my home and it requires patience, knowledge, time management, organization as I am a teacher, nurse, cook, chauffeur, etc. Oh yeah and don’t forget about chores. I’m not complaining I actually love my job. I’m blessed to be at home to raise our children, spend more time with my wonderful husband, and bond closer as a family. However, I have learned recently that when I tell others my occupation as a homemaker they assume I have extra time to help them with their life. This is how the chaos in my world began. I felt like I was standing on top of a beach-ball balancing on one leg juggling my personal baggage to please others, my family’s stuff, and anyone else in my world that needed assistance. I’m not saying that I will no longer serve others because as a Christian that is part of my purpose. However, there has to be balance or I will end up in one large heap of a mess.
     Despite your occupation, gender, or any other characteristics if you are feeling overwhelmed, cranky, and frustrated like I did there is hope! Psalms 27:4 says, “4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.” Throughout chapter 27 the writer describes utter chaos. The chapter begins with remembering who the Lord is and His mighty strength because the writer needs to be reminded of that in the midst of chaos. No one is greater than the Lord not enemies, the threat of war, even the forsaking of parents. This wasn’t just for the writer’s benefit, but for all of us who will receive this by faith. Personally it wasn’t until I began to actively pursue the presence of the Lord that my world began to regain balance.

     My day begins with reading two chapters in the Bible prior to any pitter-patter of three pairs of little feet entering my bedroom. I then meditate and pray before getting my day started. I have a new found focus in my life that has not existed for a long time, and I have begun the process of eliminating those things that should no longer occupy my time. I slowly stepped off the beach-ball and put all those items I was juggling down. I only pickup what is necessary and have let the others go. I was delivered from wanting to please people (whom are rarely satisfied) to actively pursuing pleasing my Lord. The awesome part about pleasing Jesus is that He tells you how to do it in His Word. No guessing games here!

     It is not easy, but necessary for my spiritual growth. I know that this will be a life-long process, and one that requires me not to just throw my hands up and say, “Lord I’m overwhelmed your gonna have to do something!” It is in the permanence of my active pursuit of the Lord that quiets my spirit, drives me to my knees, and mentally I am reunited with my good friend named clarity. Thank you Lord!


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